Saturday, May 30, 2009

First ever 2 Hits

Got The First Two stupid punctures fixed after 4 days in this bike's History

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So some pig did this, flattened ma Bike's tire last nite. done know who that is...

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Final

R15 to SP1 Dimension

This is how i redesigned the Yamaha R15

sp1dimension -

by - sau

Days with the Same design

So i worked on the same design with some improvements and thinking what can be done to make a design that would be kinda more custom and individual so finally after 10 days of this I came over with a new exhaust design which would make it a complete custom sport!.

We got the single underseat exhaust down under the engine where we had space with the Fairings to give it shield.

it sounded to me like fun, so whenever we throttl'd the exhaust would blow down the dust and smoke the ground seeming the bike's overpowerd and turbonautic nature =) Looked nice.!

Here everything comes to an end. The bike is ready with its design...It took me overall 5 months to Complete everything compiling the Days of work

no more an R15 but still the R dna in it....

it was fun and loved to work with, never knew this fun would turn out into a deep passion of redesigning a bike !

Day 10

We took the first ride on our bike with no exhaust fixed and it was running quite nicely we checked the balance and everything was just fine, we had to work for the exhaust and we finally did, The bike was ready.

The bike looked quite empty so we decided to put on Official Yamaha R1 2006 Side fairings on our bike so we ordeded them, when they were fixed this is how the bike got a new look overall.

Day 9

Exhaust Pipe Design, we designed the exhaust pipe from the sides, first we were gonna take it under from the Suspension but then we didnt. We put a Custom chopper look to the pipe going from side of the swing arm/ but it didnt look so gud but we got over with it with some fairing fittings to hide the pipe inside the swing arm

This is how it looked uptil now

Day 8

The Exhaust Design 1
(which was cancelled later)

We were gonna put the two bros' exhaust mufflers on either sides (the one's like in the R1'z) but then we didnt want to mess it up with too much load and we wanted our design to be Somewat not copied.

After 2 days I came up with another single Underseat Exhaust (which was changed later too)

Day 7

Headlight Design AIRVENT Technology

Day 6

Sprocket Match, We had to design another sproket coz the one with the wheel wont fit into the Chain. We took a Metal plate round and cut it into sproket design.

Day 5

Welding with Swing arm attached on the bike with Proper chain and Sprocket alignment

Day 4

Attaching Swing arm with the Frames and Alignments

Day 3

Welding of the Frames back into the Mainframe of the bike, with swing arm attached together

We Welded with 2 metal Plates together

Day 2

We decided to customize the frame to get the SWING ARM fixed into the bike's frame, coz the swing arm (THE R6 original) was 1and half inch wider than the Swing arm (r15 original) space.

We had to make wider Holes for the AXEL to get into the frame so we cut apart the frame ends and widen'd the holes first!

Day 1

So we started our work with the Bike design as we got all the Parts imported down from

-New york City
-North carolina

First we took all the parts out of the bike to get the clear view fo what we gotta do and how its gonna be done.

Its all about being Bike Crazy

So here it all started, I used to Hate Bikes, yes, you heard me right, HATE BIKES, but i dun know what happened to me, i saw this Bike YAMAHA R15 and i decided to buy it, Tat time i didnt know how to ride a bike but then too i got one fo me. I owned it on November 20th 2008, and it was kept behind there back in ma room, It was of no use rite now as i didnt know how to ride it, so just kept it inside ma room near ma bed.

Then i started reading about bikes over the internet, and especially Youtube.
Got the idea that whats where and whats how and how its actually done.

For 1 week i read and saw videos about "HOW TO" fo bikes and all. Sounds lil crazy and weird but i actually loved it.

Now for the instance i dont know since childhood i've been in a habit, to whatever i own i want it my way. So i thout of redesigning the bike.

I new it isnt a drawing that has to be done on a canvas and put on the corner right there, its on a bike what i wus gonna work and it should be WORKING.

Well i had decided to change the overall look so i set back and designed a PREDESIGN fo ma bike, which changed alot-a-times in future heres the first predesign i made fo ma bike.